E7 – MY Bible

In  this episode, we talk about how to make your Bible YOUR Bible.  To start off, we answer our first question submitted for our Q&A.  After that, we get into the main topic for the day: MY Bible.  We talk  about practical tips for personalizing your Bible, thoughts on Bible  tools, tips for study time, and other valuable insights.  If you are in the market for a new Bible, I give my personal recommendation and there is a link below for that Bible. Last, but not  least, we finish up with the #1 key to becoming a long lasting Christian  and it truly comes down to that thought – MY Bible.

My recommended Bible: https://www.bpsmilford.org/store/Wide-Margin-Bible-p2509897

Contact us or submit a question for the Q&A: https://sandycreekstirrings.com/contact/