Episodes will resume – August 2nd, 2022

Over the past two years, one thing I have missed is taking the juniors and teenagers of our church to camp. We have planned “Summer Trips” instead that have been wonderful – but there is something about CAMP. This year, we are so excited to be heading back to camp and I am looking forward to the work God will do in the hearts of these young people.

What does that mean for Sandy Creek Stirrings? Well, one advantage of “Summer Trips” was that I could select a location that had internet – allowing me to post/publish episodes at the regular scheduled times. Camp does not provide those same availabilities. Therefore, I think it would be better to let the listener base know of a scheduled pause up-front than to go in and, because of internet issues, be forced to pause with no word from the host.

This will be an extremely busy summer for my family and I. Junior Camp ends in early July. Teen Camp is two weeks after that. We will be moving into our new home before, after, and in-between. VBS is two weeks after Teen Camp. Let’s just say that it’s going to be very busy. But – a good busy!

So, (while I hate to do it) Sandy Creek Stirrings will be going on a slight pause until August 2nd, 2022. I have several exciting topics and planned episodes that will be released when we resume our normal schedule. What should you, the listener, do while patiently waiting for the next episode???

A: Send an email to joshua@sandycreekstirrings.com with a question you may have or a subject you would like to hear more about. We love hearing from our listeners and are encouraged by your messages.

B: Go back and listen to one, two, three, or more of our 222 episodes. This is a great time to go back to those episodes that you skipped over or never listened to. Also, it goes without saying that episodes in the teens and twenties were produces 200 episodes ago – you may have forgotten some of the truths they present.

C: Pray for my family and I during an extremely eventful month of July. We are excited for the many opportunities that the month of July presents!

Until next time, my friend, keep looking up and keep stirred up for the cause of Christ!