Episodes will resume January 20th

I know that many have been waiting – for the past 3 weeks – for the next episode of Sandy Creek Stirrings. Unfortunately, I will have to postpone the podcast one more week. I know that this is not a “good look” for a podcast and the episodes should be produced on a regular basis. At the same time, this is more of a hobby-of-mine than anything else. In that regard, the podcast must take a backseat to more pressing needs within my family. Due to sickness and another personal family trial, I have not had the time or mental clarity to produce a proper podcast episode. I apologize for the delay in producing new content. I do see the light at the end of the tunnel and we will have (no matter what!) an episode ready to go for all the listeners on January 20th. Thank you for being a listener of this podcast. Your feedback is such an encouragement to me. Until January 20th, keep looking up and keep stirred up for the cause of Christ.